Saturday, December 25, 2010

This is it...please read it all (it has a story)

(Forgive my usual length)

Today we celebrate. Yes, that's it: we celebrate!

We celebrate because the light of Christ offers hope for sinners like us, to see move out of the darkness of this world, and into the light of hope and truth.

We celebrate, for as Medical and Dental students, we are given that opportunity to share the light of the World with the many who are ill and sick. Remember that responsibility.

Let me share with you a 'Christmas Legend.'

When Jesus was born, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and instructed him to flee to Egypt, so that the Christ child would be safe from Herod's fury. Joseph obeyed, and took his wife and the newborn child and fled to Egypt.

On their way to Egypt, they decided to stop in a cave to protect themselves from the elements of the night. Lo and behold, in that dark and lonely cave was a big, black, poisonous spider.

The spider saw the Christ child, and knew exactly that in his little cave was the Saviour of the world. The spider thought to himself, "what can I do for the Saviour of the world? I am just a poisonous spider?!"

He thought, and decided that he would weave a thick and beautiful web over the mouth of the cave, so as to protect the family from the elements even better.

Soon after the Spider completed the magnificent web, a detachment of Herod's army came to the cave! The general gave orders to his soldiers to search the cave! When the commander who had gone to search the cave saw the thick web, and the huge spider he jumped back, gasped and said "General, if anyone had gone into this cave, the web would have been broken...and the spider would have killed them!"

So on went the army, so close and yet so far, from the Saviour of the world.

Colleagues, even this legend may be true or not, you may consider yourself as ONLY a poisonous spider- but consider the use you have for God, and His kingdom. Furthermore...YOU WILL BE A DOCTOR! What better way than to heal the spiritual needs of your patients, as you attend to their physical needs?

I take this opportunity to thank Deandra Poyser, the Fundraising Chair, who on her own initiative baked a cake for my brother and the other children at the home at which he stays. My brother, who has severe autism, and I'm sure the many other disabled children at the home greatly appreciate YOUR MAGNIFICENT WEB. For in the little things you do, God will do great.

Remember everyone, what little you can do for the many unfortunate around the world; in your homes around the world- be it in Trinidad or Tobago, in St. Kitts or St. Lucia, in New York or Botswana, in England or Iraq or Nigeria, maybe even St. Vincent, Guyana or Belize or even in Jamaica- RMEMEBER THE HOPE YOU ARE TO BRING.

I also take this opportunity to thank God for His protection; a member of our class was in a serious accident earlier this week, but sustained no injuries and is alive and well, though the car is destroyed.

Finally, remember that though we sin, if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us. Make space for the Saviour of the world in your heart today.

The Lord be with you!

Rani D. Sittol,
Medical & Dental Class of 2015

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Semester 2 :(

Dear Students,
Please see the attached DRAFT TIME-TABLES for the upcoming semester.  We do not anticipate many changes but do caution that there may be some in the final timetables, which will be posted in January, 2011.

Best wishes for the Christmas and the New Year.

Dr. Young


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Hey Guys,
Last lap! Last push! Last DAY!. All the best on these last exams 2k15. Hope to see you all later at the COVE. Each of you will be provided with a TAG on entry bearing your names so that you will all be able to identify your SIBLINGS as well as be identified with ease. I'm prompting you all to get to the venue on time (8/9pm) so that we can get to the Mixing and Partying ASAP! Remember, we are closing off at about 2am so make sure to spend sometime with your MED sibling at some point throughout this Long Night ahead of us ;)!
> PS: Post this to your Blog :)
> Best of luck on the exam guys! And Merry Christmas when it comes!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Anatomy OSPE – Friday, December 17, 2010

Locomotor System
Embryology and Histology

Groups A and B MUST arrive at 8:45a.m. and leave at approximately 12:30p.m.

Group A     Adderley - Davis  +  Students sitting Digestive exam at 1:00p.m.

Group B     Dawkins -Iyare  + 27 students from WCJ

Groups C and D MUST arrive at 12:00noon and leave at approximately 3:50p.m.

Group C    Jackson - Patrick

Group D    Perez-McKoy – Wynter

We wish to remind students to bring their lab coats. 

No cellular phones or other non-essential items will be allowed in the examination room.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

GREAT Trivia Night!!

I am really appreciative of the support received yesterday!!  The turnout was great!!  I hoped everyone who came learnt and also shared their knowledge with the rest of the class.  A total of 70 persons came and thus a whopping $3500 was made from ticket sales, a remaining $2500 was made from refreshments (totaling $6000).  Since all persons who participated were really pleased we would like to try this again next semester (maybe more than once), hopefully with more support.  I just want to thank: Nicole Bromfield, Jhaneal Solomon, Rani Sittol, Kimberly Salmon, Kelly-Lois Gooden, Te –Anne Chislom,  Nasheva & David Miguel for helping me to put on this marvelous event.  Thanks so much for the support guys!
:P:P  <3 :P:P
Deandra Poyser
Fundraising Chairperson

Thursday, December 9, 2010

TRiVia Night (it's in the Day though)

Trivia Night - Our version of School Challenge quiz-----2 -4:30
PLT (if the BBMedSci Exam doesn't finish early enough...we use PCLT)

-Teams of 5 will you have your team ready????
Questions submitted from out lecturers!!!!
Mainly Anatomy stillll
$50 for entrance

Have your teams studying...don't you think?

:D :D :D :D :D :D

And MoBay...we get to test the new equipment with you! So...get your team of 5 ready...and let's play TrIvIa!

Monday, December 6, 2010

No Exam Cards to be distributed

Title says it all.

Go to exam with ID, exam materials...and with a fresh brain that has been RESTED!!!



Maas Prez,

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Please ensure that everyone is reminded to just stick to their tomato. If they can do an extra patch of tomatoes that is fine...but make sure their tomato patch is complete before venturing off.
Also please send me the harvest as soon after the date of planting.
Tell them to send it to
Those that are not on the class list need to also send me their names so I can assign a patch.
EVERYONE must title the email subject so I know who is sending me what!! This also helps me check my bulk mail properly.
Class Secretary 2010-2011

Click Here

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lost Last's, Anatomy Review, Histology Review

1. If you have seen a LAST'S ANATOMY in the Lab. belonging to Physiotherapy student MARITA MARSHALL, please return it urgently. Exams are fast approaching for them.

2. Keep checking the blogspot for the schedule for tomorrow's Anatomy Review.

3. 10:00 on Sunday- Gardner GROUP C Histology
     2:00 on Sunday- Solomon, GROUP B Histology
     4:30 on Sunday- Gardner, GROUP A Histology

As much as possible FOLLOW THE SCHEDULES...ESP. for anatomy on Saturday.



So for the MBBS related courses the exemptions can be found below.

Pertaining to the foundation courses the following message was sent to us.

Dear Students

1. please the attached. (link above)

2. Re exemption from FD Courses done UWI.  All  The person who request exemption were granted.

3. Re exemption FD11A course; only two persons so far are recommended for exemption(cannot gives the names at this time)  but Mr. Cresser (lecturer)  is still awaiting the  approval of his faculty.  He said there are about three persons who did UC200 long ago because the course outline was not submitted he is trying to find someone to verify whether or not  the content is similar and if after such a long time exemption can be granted.

I should be hearing from him this afternoon but will be in an exam so I have asked Ms. Daley in the Physiology Section  of  BMS to follow up with him.  So please check with her about 2pm

Also  Please see link below for schedule and groups of tomorrow's anatomy classes.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Message from Dr. M. Gossell-Williams

Dear students:

I took the time for the last three weeks to ensure that I updated the lectures on OurVLE.  The notes shown to me by the student this morning on Nystatin came from an OLD lecture. Please download the MOST current version.  As mentioned it in MOST unlikely that you will see Nystatin used for vaginal yeast.

Dr. Maxine Gossell-Williams

Anatomy Tutorial Notice

Dr. Coombs and Boorisingh Anatomy tutorial will be having class tomorrow at 4pm.

Message from Janet Russell RE: Registration for Semester II

Registration is opened for semester II please check your record and ensure that all the courses for this semester is on your record.

Persons who had difficulty registering  for semester II course(s)  at the beginning of the academic year and have completed form requesting to add or remove courses for this semester, the Student Record Unit is asking that you go online and do your own selection as this is the ideal thing to do.  If you are still having challenges please let us know earl; do not wait for the last minutes .

Thanks for your cooperation.


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