Dear students,
In an attempt to gain some form of structure to the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the University at large, the Campus Registrar in collaboration with the Student Records Unit and Academic Board Sub-Committee Student Matters (ABSCSM) have implemented guidelines to follow regarding the matter of registration.
Kindly observe the outlined guidelines for the new process/procedure for late registration including adding and dropping of courses, LOA and late LOA requests, exemption requests, withdrawals and to sit exams at another campus. Please pay special attention to the late registration and retroactive requests. Retroactive means making requests to add or drop courses to/from any semester that has already passed and closed for registration. Retroactive fine = $8,000 per Semester.
Please also take some time to read and grasp the attached documents which cover what I will break down below.
Please observe the procedure for late registration/addition of courses outline below:
· The protocol to ADD courses WITHIN THE LATE REGISTRATION PERIOD remains the same; you must pay the fine and add the course(see attached Schedule of Late Registration Penalties for specific periods) and this is to be paid at the Bursary/Cashier. You pay the fine and you will gain access. If you do not gain access after 15 minutes, you need to go to Student Records Unit for assistance.
If you were unable to access the system even after paying the late registration fine please see the guideline below:
· If you have not paid fees or have any financial hold, you will not have access to Banner, even after paying the fine. Therefore I would suggest you clear ALL tuition-related balances before paying the late registration fine. Your tuition DOES NOT cover the late registration fine neither can the late fine be drawn from any balances you may have from your tuition. Also, the late registration fees increases with the progression of the semester so I advise you clear the balances, if any, and pay the late registration fine as soon as possible. If all is cleared and you still are not able to access SAS to add courses please seek assistance from the Student Records Unit.
· Students who desire to repeat/resit examinations are required to register for the respective course(s) so that the grade can be uploaded to your SAS account.
The new procedure for dropping courses is outlined below:
· The dropping of courses after Mid-semester exams have started is not permitted by the Campus. All students who are now requesting to drop courses must make a request in writing to the Campus Registrar (cc Chair Academic Board Student Matters) and sent to the Campus Registrar’s office attention Ms. Tamara Matthews.
· All such requests must be accompanied by supporting documentation such that would convince us that there is a genuine case. Students must be advised to put contact information so they can be called for an interview as needed.
· All requests (to DROP courses) will require one working day for processing after approval is received from the Campus Registrar.
· Finally, please observe the ‘ABSCSM Late Requests Dates and Fines’ table (on the SAS page) and I have also attached the letter from the Campus registrar sent to all students which clearly indicates the deadline for dropping courses.
Note well, if you have also made retroactive requests to the office (Retroactive meaning adding or dropping of courses in any semester that has already been closed for registration i.e. before Semester 2 – 2012/2013), this will constitute a separate fine for your record to be sorted out; Retroactive fine = $8,000 per Semester. Again, this fine CANNOT be covered by or subtracted from any balances you may have from tuition payment. These retroactive requests are collated and assessed by the Academic Board Sub-Committee Student Matters (ABSCSM) at their monthly meetings and the results/decisions of approvals and fines will be communicated to each student after the meeting has been held.
OTHER REQUESTS - LOA and late LOA requests, withdrawals and to sit examinations at another campus:
· A letter addressed to the Dean or Deputy Dean must be submitted to the Dean’s Office for ALL requests of this nature for approval by the Dean or Deputy Dean.
· After approval, all requests of this nature are done via the ASRM through SAS which will be further electronically approved or by the MBBS Programme Director then sent to the Academic Board Sub-Committee Student Matters (ABSCSM) who will contact the student with the decision.
· Students who receive ‘not approved’ are expected to act accordingly.
I therefore advise each student to check their registration status and ensure that all courses are registered for in the correct semesters and if you fall short of this then I advise that you take the necessary steps to do so.
Please observe the guidelines outlined above and adhere to them as best you can and feel free to visit the office if further clarification is required. If you fail to adhere to the guidelines, the Undergraduate Section of the Dean’s Office will not be held responsible.
Thank you.
Office of the Dean
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Undergraduate Section
University of the West Indies
Mona, Kingston 7
927-1297, 927-2556
Fax #: 977-2289