Thursday, November 7, 2013

Transportation Requests

Dear All

If you are scheduled to do you rotation at any of the rural sites please complete the attached  and return to me.   I would prefer if this  is completed  as soon as you know that you are assigned to a rural site please do not wait until the last minute.  The attached has the date for this weekend but you  can be changed to the date which you will need to travel. 

Please co-operate; complete and return to me via email it is easier that coming to the office.

Thank you

BBMedsci Degree

Dear All

Attached is the list of students who were awarded the BMEDSCI degree this year.  The names that are struck out are those who were not awarded and the reason is stated under the comment column.  Please do what is necessary to correct the situation.

I will also post the listing  on OURVLE in the MBBS Programme Directors Office under the heading “Class of 2015”. It’s the last item under that heading.

Janet Russell