Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sickle Cell Outline


METHOD: State “As outlined in the DD3 MB Sickle cell hand-out given 2010”. (Note any
changes made if any, do not copy quotations above)

1. This section should include table(s) of the results of the solubility test, sickle test and the

2. Your drawings of the demo slides as seen under the microscope.

(No lab will be accepted if the results were not signed by a demonstrator and should be
included in the results section)

Principles of the three methods used (briefly explain not lengthy)

Comparison of all three methods ie. advantages and disadvantages of each

Which method would you say was the most & least efficient and why?

How does the statistics (occurrence of Sickle cell in Jamaica) mentioned in the talk (10%)
compare to the results of the class? ie. was this the same for the class?

Why is it important to do a sickle cell test? implications for future partners

CONCLUSION: This should summarize your discussion and still answer your aims.
(Briefly in 2-3 lines)

PRECAUTIONS: For example, Cotton swabs soaked in alcohol were used to wipe the finger of
the volunteer to avoid contamination of the blood. (Give two more examples).

REFERENCES: See format below

For books: Author (s), year published ( ). Title of book. Publishing Company and pages used.

For internet sources: http//forensics20%DNAextraction 345#PCR%%.........................com.

October 29, 2010

(State DATE when you accessed this site)

NOT www.google.com

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