Good night Rani,
I am writing to you, President of the Class of 2015, because I have been made aware of the fact that several of your classmates are upset re the message that I sent to my class.
I would like to clear certain things up to ensure that relations between your class (2015) and mine (2014) are kept at a respectable and amicable level.
Firstly, the message was sent only to my class; we were not seeking to start any unnecessary drama. It appears that a member of my class copied the message and forwarded it 2k12 and 2k13 who then sent it to your class. The purpose of the message was not to inform the other classes within the Faculty, which sadly took place beyond our control.
Secondly, as stated clearly in my message, what was relayed to my classmates was conveyed to me by Mr. Solomon. We understand that the entire letter was not about Mr. Solomon but it included things about him. It affected us through the cancellation of our spotter and as such impacted us, hence why it was discussed.
Thirdly, my class does NOT have a problem with your class. We have a problem with the individual (s) who reports lecturers without following protocol, especially when it ends up affecting our learning process as it is currently doing (cancellation of the histology review spotter).
Fourthly, we do have a problem with certain things that were said re Mr. Solomon in the letter to the authorities and as such the class will express its rights to defend him where deemed fit.
I trust that this message will serve to clear the air and stop further misunderstandings on the issue. It was never my intention to upset your class or open the doorway for threats to be hurled toward yourself and your classmates; that resulted from others getting carried away and straying from proper conduct.
P.S. - Several of your classmates have indicated to me that they are writing letters in Mr. Solomon's defence. My class is grateful for that level of support.
Steven Hamilton
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